Fuji Instax Mini 8 Review
Hey there everybody! I am writing today about the super cool camera I just got, an instant camera. I have been eyeballing these since they can out but the price tag was a little steep for a purely fun purchase. However, I found a nice sale at my local Best Buy and decided to take the plunge...and I'm glad I did!
I wasn't sure how much film I needed, so I got 20 regular exposures and 10 rainbow border exposures. I bought more film 3 days later, not because I used it all, but I did go through 10 fairly quickly. The pictures are very cool and they are about the size of a business card. I bought an album that holds 120 photos so that I could snap all of the photos. I'm going to decorate it with some vinyl designs from my Cricut eventually too.
l really like the case too, I chose the light pink camera because I thought the other colors were heavy and the white was too plain.
You can see some of my first shots below.
Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase and I can't wait to scrap these photos. Happy crafting!